Climate Change Impacts on Street Vendors|
How To Run Brooklyn’s Legendary Tamale Cart |
New York Times (2022)
Lovely work @priyakrishna of NYTimes on Sonia, her tamales, her family, her peers on the streets of New York and her Union Street Vendor Project
COVID 19 – Informal Labor in India
Visualizing the Virus Series (2021)

Introducing City Food
@ Scarborough Fare: UTSC Culinaria Research Centre Conference (2016)
Plenary Panel – City Food: Lessons from People on the Move (Watch here at day 2 of the conference)
Essential or Expendable? Food Vendors as Community and Economy Builders in New York (2020)
A conversation with Mohamed Attia (Director) and Carina Kaufman- Gutierrez (Deputy Director) of the Street Vendor Project
Video Competition
by Elisabet Ollé and Noah Allison (2020)
Elisabet Ollé and Noah Allison submit this 90 second clip to the American Institute of Architects 2020 Film Challenge asking “what can COVID-19 teach us about public spaces?”
Research Discussion
by Debal Deb (2019)
Debal Deb is the founder of Basudha, a rice conservation farm in India that has created a massive seed bank that houses and preserves rare indigenous rice. In this video Debal discusses the social and political nuances of seed saving while advocating for community led models of agriculture and knowledge sharing.
Research Summaries
by B. Lynne Milgram (2017), Scott Alves Barton, Ryan Devlin, & Sarah K. Khan (2019)
Scott Alves Barton discusses his work on the cultural politics of street food in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
For more, see his recent paper, “FIFA vs. As Baianas de Acaraje and the Politics of the Cultural Imaginary,” in Urban Foodways and Communication: Ethnographic Studies in Intangible Cultural Food Heritages Around the World, edited by Casey Man Kong Lum and Marc de Ferrière le Vayer, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.
Ryan Devlin discusses his research on street food and public space in New York
Sarah K. Khan discusses her multimedia work on carts, caterers and social diversity in Queens, New York
City Food Workshop
by Daniel Bender, Vidya Balachander, Tiana Bakić Hayden, Anna Greenspan, and Fabio Parasecoli & Mateusz Halawa (2018)
Daniel Bender- Satay Vending and Good Taste Politics in Colonial and Post-Colonial Singapore
Vidya Balachander- Ammachis: Building a New Street Food Paradigm in Northern Sri Lanka
Anna Greenspan- Deep Mapping Shanghai’s Street Food
Fabio Parasecoli & Mateusz Halawa- Cosmopolitan Snacking: Street Food in Warsaw
Introductory and Closing Comments
by Krishnendu Ray, Amita Baviskar & Joseph Heathcott (2018)
Re-Thinking Street Food-SOAS Food Studies Centre
Keynote Address by Krishnendu Ray (2019)